東京富士美術館馆藏 Tokyo Fuji Art Museum,Japan

20thC. 「View of Toulon Harbour」

20thC. 「View of Toulon Harbour」


阿尔贝·马尔凯 (1875-1947)
20 世纪早期
49.5厘米× 60.5厘米



土伦是位于法国南部滨地中海的军港城市,位于马赛港以东大约 50 公里的地方,自西向东、半岛环统,靠近塞尚进行创作的普罗旺斯艾克斯地区。16 世纪,亨利四世修整了港口和城堡,建造了海军工厂,从那之后,该地作为军港和造船工业城市发展起来,在法国大革命中普是王党反革命派的据点。马尔凯曾和芒更、卡穆安、马蒂斯、西涅克等朋友一起,于1905 年前往法国南部旅行,有猜测认为,这幅作品是根据旅行时的取材进行创作的。

巴黎的蓬皮杜国家艺术文化中心(国立近代美术馆)中,有一幅于 1905年左右绘制而成、名为《阿盖的风景》的作品,所描绘的树木之间的大海与半岛视角,与这幅作品有相似之处,都是能够代表马尔凯初期典型画风的作品。


View of Toulon Harbour
Albert Marquet (1875-1947)
Early 20th century
Oil on canvas
49.5 cm x 60.5 cm

Counted as one of the painters that represent Fauvism along with Matisse and others, Marquet was inherently sensitive more to nuanced balanced tones than to strong colors. In his late works, his colors became even softer. Even though he was taking part in the Fauve movement because he was a close friend of Matisse, he kept a distance from the group. In light of his temperament, Marquet was a realist following the traditions of Corot and Courbet. Marquet’s talent lay in his ability to represent scenes with limpid clarity.

Harbor scenes are one of his favorite subjects. In this work, he painted a cove in southern France drenched with warm sunshine, using tranquil color tones. Toulon is a naval port city on the Mediterranean, located around 50 kilometers east of Marseilles, which faces a bay sheltered by a cape protruding from west to east. It is also quite close to Aix-en-Provence, where Cézanne worked on painting. Since Henry IV improved the harbor and castle and built a naval arsenal in the 16th century, Toulon developed as a city of naval port and shipbuilding industry. During the French Revolution, the city became a hub for counter-revolutionary royalists. Along with his friends including Manguin, Camoin, Matisse and Signac, Marquet traveled to southern France in 1905. It is speculated that this painting were created based on the materials gathered during this trip.

There is a work entitled View of Agay, which was painted in 1905, in the Centre Pompidou (National Museum of Modern Art) in Paris, and its perspective and brushstrokes that depict the sea and peninsula looking through the trees are similar to the View of Toulon Harbour. This is one of his representative paintings that exhibit Marquet’s early style.

展出地点:東京富士美術館 Tokyo Fuji Art Museum,Japan



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